"A number of challenges face Canada's security community: [...] foreign-gathered intelligence -- we may need to come to grips with some of the less palatable practices of foreign intelligence agencies" - speech of Ward Elcock at the CIAJ Conference, 25-26 March 2002 as summarized in a CIAJ document http://www.rcmp-learning.org/download/ciaj_march2002.pdf ********** "National Post: Is there a need for our domestic spy agency to have a foreign intelligence capacity? John Manley: We don't have a dedicated foreign intelligence agency -- something that would be worth having. I think we need to increase our ability. I think we can do it within the existing framework. CSIS does have some foreign capacity..." - Robert Fife, 'I don't think I'm being negative' National Post, 30 April 2003 http://www.nationalpost.com/national/story.html?id=65AF2ECE-DE DF-4DAA-8E61-A8E106FA70BF ********** "Canadian Alliance critic Kevin Sorenson said the government is moving at "a snail's pace" in designating terrorist groups. [...] Mr. Sorenson also called for expanding the powers of CSIS so that it could more effectively conduct covert operations abroad." - Jeff Sallot, 'Islamic extremists top Canadian terror threat, Easter says' The Globe and Mail, 5 June 2003 http://www.globeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20030605.wterr 0605/BNStory/National/