Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Service Canadien du Renseignement de Sécurité, Gouvernement of Canada,

News Release

CSIS implements a new operational structure

Ottawa, May 1, 2006


The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) implemented a new operational structure on May 1st, 2006.

CSIS’ mandate is to provide timely and relevant advice to the Government of Canada on threats to national security. However, the evolving threat environment required a change in the Service’s operational structure. CSIS has undertaken a realignment in order to:

  • increase operational capability;
  • consolidate and enhance analysis and production functions; and
  • enhance corporate support.

The Service’s new structure is geographically-based, with each branch being responsible for investigating all threats emanating from their respective geographic areas. It will provide the flexibility required to accommodate current and anticipated operational needs.

To view the new CSIS organisational chart, click here.