27, 1994
Gray, Mr. Collenette, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,
a representative of the Solicitor General who is the
federal minister responsible for Canada's Counter-Terrorism
arrangements, I have been asked to say a few words
about our country's response to terrorism. This will
be followed by lunch and by a demonstration of the
special capabilities of DND's Counter-Terrorism Unit,
Joint Task Force Two (JTF 2).
Fowler and I hope that today's exercise - called Exercise
CONSUL - will improve our collective understanding
of the importance of having in place effective national
counter-terrorism plans and arrangements. All of you
in this room, every level of government and all police
services - municipal, provincial and federal - have
a role to play in ensuring the safety and security
of canadians. It is a collective responsibility.
course, we all hope that the arrangements and plans
will never be used. But we would be failing in our
duty to the Canadian public were we not prepared for
any and all eventualities. We must, as emergency planners
often say, "hope for the best and plan for the
like this one are particularly important. One of the
basic principles of emergency planning is that arrangements
or plans which are never tested will inevitably be
found wanting during a real emergency.
said it best: "that which is not exercised in
times of non-crisis will not function properly during
the real thing".
exercise, although of limited scale and duration,
is of special importance because it is the forerunner
to Exercise PRAETORIAN.
most of you know by now, Exercise PRAETORIAN is due
to take place in Victoria and in Ottawa, in ten days
time, from June 7 to 9. This exercise is intended
to be a major test of federal, provincial and municipal
counter-terrorism response capabilities before the
Commonwealth Games, which are scheduled to take place
in B.C. from August 8 to 18.
PRAETORIAN started out as a counter-terrorism exercise,
but has proved to be a first-class vehicle for testing
other aspects of games security as well. We call this
federal-provincial cost-effectiveness.
is primarily a command-post exercise, but for the
first time we have added live play by police emergency
response teams and Joint Task Force Two, in order
to develop joint police-military tactical procedures.
exercise will use a group of simulated terrorists,
as well as several simulated hostages. To avoid inter-departmental
rivalry, both terrorists and hostages will come from
DND. The terrorists will be simulating the Khalistan
National Army, using fictitious names.
decision-making here in Ottawa will be done at the
most senior level for the first time; unfortunately
Mr. Collenette and the Prime Minister will be away,
but the Solicitor General and the Clerk of the Privy
Council will be involved, real-life emergencies permitting,
of course.
National Counter-Terrorism Policy calls for a lead
federal minister - the Solicitor General - to coordinate,
not direct, the full use of all available resources
at municipal, provincial and federal levels to resolve
an incident. Our counter-terrorism plan serves as
a guide and describes agreed procedures that should
be followed at all levels. It has been developed to
ensure the efficient use of a wide variety of people
and materiel.
plan is supported by a regular exercise program whose
aim is to familiarize local and provincial police
and officials with the principles of the plan, to
solicit their feedback on how the plan can be improved,
and to make police and government officials aware
of the special demands and various jurisdictions involved
during terrorist incidents.
is first and foremost a crime, which means that the
police of local jurisdiction have the major responsibility
for resolving any incidents. Although the Security
Offences Act gives the RCMP the primary responsibility
for performing the duties of a peace officer during
an incident, it does not give them exclusive jurisdiction.
défi est donc de résoudre l'éternelle question canadienne
"c'est qui le patron?" Sans effet néfaste
sur le rassemblement et la direction de la vaste gamme
de ressources nécessaires ä la résolution d'un incident
terroriste. La méthode la plus utilisée consiste a
faire une "opération conjointe", ou tous
les corps de police répondant a un incident, cooperent
sous un seul commandement, compose d'officiers supérieurs
provenant de chaque corps de police. Malheureusement
le systeme de commandement et de controle utilisé
par la police au québec empeche d'utiliser "l'opérations
conjointe". Nous avons cependant réussi a développer
des procédures d'ordre pratique pendant des exercices
tenus au québec, et nous sommes en mesure d'opérer
conjointement, en réalité sinon en théorie.
the on-scene police commander has the responsibility
to resolve the incident, it follows that most of the
decisions needed will be taken by him or her. There
are three categories of decision, however, that a
commander at that level cannot take.
first is public communications. There needs to be
a single communications approach to the media in order
to maintain public confidence. Government and response
personnel must be seen by the media, and hence the
public, to be in control, to be working together and
responding to the crisis.
achieve this, public communications between three
levels of government and the police must be coordinated.
This, as I am sure you all would agree, is a major
other two decisions involve government policy and
access to resources not normally at the disposition
of an on-scene police commander. These decisions will
be taken at ministerial level. They concern first
the response to terrorist's demands, which are likely
to be political (such as the release of their comrades
imprisoned in a foreign jail); and second, the use
of force beyond the resources of the police in order
to resolve an incident where lives are being lost.
process leading to ministerial decisions on these
and other issues is no different for counter-terrorism
than it is for other crises, so I will not dwell on
it. What is important, however, is the greater speed
at which information may be expected to come in, and
the greater speed with which life-and-death decisions
may be required.
is also likely that there will be a dearth of information,
and that what information there is will be confused,
particularly during the early stages of an incident
when the difficult decisions seem to be most urgently
required. That is why we practise counter-terrorism
information-passing and decision-making procedures
at least one each year, to ensure that we are ready.
compliquer cette situation encore davantage, l'acces
aux forces militaires pour résoudre un incident est
possible par deux voies, soit la voie fédérale en
utilisant la loi sur les infractions en matiere de
sécurité, ou la voie provinciale en invoquant la partie
onze de la loi sur la défense nationale. Il est donc
évident que les discussions fédérales-provinciales
s'imposent lors d'un incident terroriste, discussions
qui se devront d'etre courtes et décisives. Comme
toutes les autres discussions fédérales-provinciales,
issue concerns the use of deadly force. Obviously
the police will attempt to resolve the situation without
the use of force as long as they can. If the on-scene
police commander feels that he needs to have recourse
to JTF-2 to resolve the situation, he will have to
convince his commanding officer that police resources
will not be enough and the commanding officer, in
turn, will have to convince the Commissioner, for
soon as he is persuaded that military force may be
needed, the Commissioner will probably ask the Chief
of Defence Staff to position JTF-2 in the area of
an incident, and the CDS will want to seek ministerial
approval at some point. The Prime Minister and the
cabinet may become involved, supported by an ad hoc
committee of deputy heads.
the specifics of the situation, I am advised that
one of the greatest operational concerns is that the
decision to use troops will not be taken in time to
allow them to be used when they are most needed.
is not possible to have troops take over from police
and mount an assault in a matter of minutes, because
reconnaissance, planning and particularly relief in
the line all take time to do properly. We have done
a number of exercises over the years to develop ways
of cutting down this time, and we expect to know more
about it after Exercise PRAETORIAN.
the ministry's cycle of exercises, of which Exercise
PRAETORIAN is in a sense the culmination, serves to
maintain a continual awareness of counter-terrorism
policies and procedures in the appropriate police,
military and government counter-terrorist organisations.
This allows us to keep our plan relevant to their
was a quick run through of a very complex subject,
and I hope you have found it useful. I thank you for
your attention. We have a buffet lunch set up at the
back of the room. May I invite you to help yourselves?
The Chief of the Defence Staff will call us together
for the next phase of Exercise CONSUL in a few minutes.