Wednesday 30 August 2006 06:13:26, Lima , Peru

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World | 29 August, 2006 [ 18:32 ]

Canada and Peru unite intelligence in fight against terrorism

The Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) has entered into an agreement with its counterpart agency in Peru, the "Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera del Perú" (UIF-Perú).
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) sets out terms for the sharing of financial intelligence on suspected money laundering and terrorist activity financing and the protection of personal information.

The agreement was concluded at the XIV Egmont Group Plenary meeting in Limassol, Cyprus, on June 16, 2006. FINTRAC now has agreements with counterpart agencies in 39 jurisdictions around the world. Each MOU was entered into under the authority of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act.

Money laundering and terrorist financing can extend beyond national borders. Detecting and deterring these criminal activities requires cooperation on the part of many jurisdictions. These newly signed memorandum will foster the exchange of financial intelligence and will enhance the information available to Canadian and Peruvian law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

The Ambassador of Canada, Mrs. Geneviève des Rivières, and the Executive Director of the UIF-PERU, Mr. Carlos Hamann Pastorino, presented this agreement to the Peruvian press today.
“The government of Canada is impressed by all the investigative work made by UIF-PERU since the beginning of its operation in September 2003. This memorandum will allow a greater exchange of information which will help to increase security in the Andean region and in our hemisphere”, Ambassador des Rivières pointed out.

At the conference in Cyprus, Canada also signed memoranda with Chile, Germany, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Japan, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Peru and St. Vincent & the Grenadines.

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